Monday, September 8, 2014

The new Cox South tower: by the numbers

A rundown of some key statistics on the new patient tower, provided by Rod Schaffer, vice president of Facilities Management:

  • A total of 402 workers have gone through the safety training to work on the site. On any given day there are 80-100 workers on the site.
  • 21,000 cubic feet of spoils (dirt and rock removed from their original location) were created during process of drilling piers for the structure — about 100 dump-truck loads.
  • 16,674 cubic yards of excavation has been removed from the site. That’s a total of 1,700 dump truck loads
  • 4,364 tons – the amount of gravel placed on the site
  • 3.6 million pounds — total weight of rebar (reinforcement steel) being used in the structure
  • A total of 17,173 cubic yards of concrete will be poured in the structure. That’s enough concrete to build a 5-foot-wide sidewalk from Springfield to Branson.
  • 300,000 – approximate number of bricks that will be used in the structure. Stacked individually, that would extend 62,500 feet in the air – almost 12 miles.
  • The building contains 319,000 linear feet of electrical conduit and 1.5 million feet of cable -- about 350 total miles of conduit and cabling.
  • 4063 – total number of light fixtures
  • 4,700 – total number of electrical receptacles
  • 7,500 linear feet of steel lintels (horizontal supports) on the exterior. Those are welded every 18 inches. In total, the structure will include a mile and a half of lintels with more than 5,000 welds.