Tuesday, April 3, 2012

CoxHealth’s ‘Talk to an Expert’ series continues

Thumb pain is more common than you might think, and can make completing everyday tasks such as gripping an object or turning a key painful. The pain can result from damage or injury to the various structures of the hand, may be constant or come and go, and may improve or worsen with movement.

Dr. Erin Greer, a board-certified hand and upper extremity orthopedic surgeon, will present “Why does my thumb hurt?” Tuesday, April 10, at 6 p.m. This free informational session will be held in the Ozark Room at Cox Walnut Lawn, at the corner of National and Walnut Lawn, in Springfield.

Dr. Greer will discuss nonsurgical options for pain management and joint protection, how to increase thumb stability, splinting options, and will conduct free thumb screenings. Call 269-INFO for more information and to register.