Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Lane shift demands caution from drivers

Lanes on National have shifted to the west as construction continues on the tunnel under National Avenue near the new diverging diamond intersection at James River Freeway.

MoDOT passes along a few pointers for those of us driving and/or walking near the construction on south National:

"1.) Pedestrians are highly discouraged from using the sidewalks on the east side of National especially south of Bradford Parkway. There will be a large open trench where earth is being excavated for the east side of the National Avenue underpass. Pedestrians can use the sidewalks along the west side of National Avenue.

2.) Drivers trying to enter National Avenue at the CoxHealth Service Road on the west side of National are strongly cautioned to not pull past the white stop bar painted on the pavement at the entrance.

Now that traffic is shifted to the west side of National Avenue, southbound traffic may clip a vehicle that rolls past the stop bar while attempting to pull onto National Avenue from the Service Road. Our construction inspector has noticed a couple of cars pulling past the stop bar this morning that were nearly hit because people don't realize that the southbound lane is now back to its original position and right against the curb."