is manager of CoxHealth’s C.A.R.E. Mobile, a clinic-on-wheels sponsored by
Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals (CMN) that takes care to outlying rural
areas in 32 Missouri counties. Through her collaboration with CMN and the
Missouri Department of Health, Blevins leads the administration and evaluation
of all Vaccines for Children immunizations administered in those counties.
of Blevins’ work, nearly 1,500 children per year receive vaccines. She also
reaches children and families living in rural areas by collaborating with
school system administrators in these areas: Together, they work on strategies
to increase access to vaccines in rural Missouri.
Childhood Immunization Champion Award is given jointly by the CDC and the CDC
Foundation. It is intended to recognize individuals at the state or local
level, and awardees were announced during National Infant Immunization Week
(April 16-23, 2016).