Susan Smith, director of the Breast Care Clinic in Hulston Cancer Center, knows how difficult it can be to find time out of our busy workdays to pick up prescriptions at the pharmacy. Even though there’s a CoxHealth retail pharmacy next door in Wheeler Heart & Vascular Center, finding time and remembering to complete the task is a challenge.
“My husband will order a refill of his blood pressure medication online and ask me to pick it up,” says Susan. “You get busy with your day, and unless I write myself a note, I can forget to pick it up and sometimes two or three days go by, and there’s my husband without his medication!”
Dr. Ghazanfar Qureshi of the Case Management team, has a similar issue.
“Doctors can make lousy patients. I’m always running out of medications,” says Dr. Qureshi. “My wife asks if I’ve ordered my meds and she ends up calling the pharmacy, but by the time I can get to the pharmacy, it’s closed.”
One day, Dr. Qureshi was at the CoxHealth Pharmacy in Ferrell-Duncan Clinic and told pharmacist Mary Ann Bennett that he wished there was a tunnel across Primrose so he didn’t have to drive over to get his medications.
“She told me I could have my medications delivered to me in my office and I said, ‘You’re kidding!’ This is an excellent service.”

Both Dr. Qureshi and Susan are among the many satisfied customers of the new free prescription medication delivery service for CoxHealth personnel announced recently by CoxHealth’s retail pharmacy, which as of Aug. 1 changed its name from Convenient Care Pharmacy to CoxHealth Pharmacy.
“We know our time at work is valuable,” says Ryan Baker, Pharmacy Ambulatory Care Director. “This free delivery service to our CoxHealth colleagues helps us with the work-life balance and lets more people take advantage of the savings available with the system’s retail pharmacy. For Cox HealthPlans members, we guarantee the lowest co-pays on your prescriptions.”
The delivery service is available in Springfield and Branson. You can call one of the pharmacy locations and request delivery at work. Just give them one day’s notice to complete the request. Pay over the phone with your Medical Flex card, Healthy Living HRA card or credit card.
In Springfield, if you work late hours or overnight, the pharmacy offers a central site pickup using Cox South inpatient pharmacy, which is available 24/7.
The CoxHealth Pharmacy also accepts refill orders online at from your desktop or you can download the free RefillRx Mobile app from your Android or Apple phones by searching the App Store or Google Play.
At Cox Monett, there is already a process for free delivery of refill prescriptions to employees’ homes when those prescriptions are prepaid. Refills may be mailed out to the employee if they are prepaid, refills remain on the prescription and the prescription is not being filled too soon based on insurance. Monett employees may also pick up prescriptions 8 a.m. – 3:45 p.m. in the pharmacy located on the hospital’s second floor.