Many nurses will say going into the healthcare field was an
easy decision; however, deciding which area within the healthcare industry to
work in was not as clear.

“Meet Your Match is like speed dating for those who are
interested in entering our internship,” explains Kari Bowling, recruitment
specialist. “During Meet Your Match, each participant meets with a department
leader for a predetermined amount of time, usually for approximately five minutes,
to learn about each area of the hospital and ask questions. By the end of the
event, participants will have had the opportunity to meet with all department
leaders, and hopefully leave with a clear understanding of what specialty best
suits them.”
Bowling explained that Meet Your Match is a fairly new
concept and while it aids in recruitment, the main objective is for graduating
nurses to meet leaders and learn about the different areas of specialty from people
who work in those departments.
“As a result of Meet Your Match events, many participants
have applied to areas they didn’t know existed or thought they wouldn’t be
interested in,” Bowling says.
Meet Your Match will be held Tuesday, Jan. 26, from
5:30-7:30 p.m. in the Magnolia Room at Cox Branson, 525 Branson Landing Blvd.
Arrive early to enjoy refreshments.